Monday, September 27, 2010

im soo tired that i dont care.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Forgive people, forgive yourself. Be kind to everyone you meet. When you love, never stop. Give without expecting anything back. Appreciate what you have and take care of those who love you. Lose the regrets. Remember the good times. Believe that better things happen after the bad. Have faith in God. Have faith in yourself. Always.. Now smile. :]

yum.. what you said.. should b true =)

Friday, September 24, 2010

we do not go into a relationship without thinking we wouldn't get hurt

dear world.

please do not butt in my business

Monday, September 20, 2010

Everyday we take life as it is, we try our best
and the rest, leave it to Allah
Every night I'd tell myself ' I'm going to change to be a better person tomorrow. ' But everyday would end with a disappointment.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

an opinion of a girl

Somehow, half of us use Raya as the perfect time to ask for apologies from everyone we hurt or offended. Could've just done it on the normal days. But no. Raya is when you apologize and people don't find it weird. They won't be taken aback. Knowing that fact, people who don't have the guts to do it then, make it happen during this month.

Eid Mubarak.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


if you don't know what it feels like to be taken out on or be blamed for not your own mess, but for someone else's, then shut up. don't act like you do. you don't understand. you just don't.

I was tired of it. of everything. I was close of thinking about the other side. so near, so close. but you, for all you know, you, would miss it. you wouldn't have even realized. the thinking the mind bears.

you weren't there

you weren't there to see that look on his face. you weren't there to witness they took it out on me instead of you. you weren't there when we were running out of excuses for you. you weren't there when I needed you the most. you weren't there when I had the worst night of my life. you weren't there when we thought we saw a knowing look on the man who brought us up. you weren't there to ask what has been keeping me up all night. you weren't there, you weren't there, you weren't there.

of course, when you were there, they didn't take it out on you.

because they already took it out on me earlier.

tell me one good reason, one fucking good reason for you to be angry at me for being angry at you?

worst was what I have done more than you.
rights is what I have to take you away but I don't apply it. why? because I want you to realize it yourself.
there was this one night when you were there, but I was in need, what did you do? let some strangers be there for me instead.
because you had to be there to help someone, a stranger compared to your own blood.
what does it take for you to just be there through the worst? what would it take for you to lie, a good lie, for me?

patience, they decrease in time.
tolerance do too.
I'm only human, so are you.
when will you ever really listen to me? you hear me but you don't listen.
ask me what's wrong, have you ever? be there for me, one whole you. your body, your soul, your mind, have you ever? have you ever?

"it was nothing......... but it was everything."

are you listening my words or are you just reading me?
sometimes distance makes the heart feels closer. i sure miss u...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

eat this shit. you sure do deserve it this time.

i hope my words burn you to hell :) i love you. oh yes I do.